User Level Demonstrations of the UKSBAS Testbed
Javier González Merino, Michael Pattinson, Madeleine Easom, María Romero Llapa, Sangeetha Priya Ilamparithi, GMV; David Hill, George Newton, Viasat
Date/Time: Friday, Sep. 20, 2:58 p.m.
Best Presentation
As the world moves towards greater levels of autonomy and automation, it is expected that wide-area safety systems and services will become the norm, including both terrestrial and GNSS-based safety services. Many regions such as North America (WAAS), Europe (EGNOS), Japan (MSAS), India (GAGAN), South Korea (KASS), and Australia and New Zealand (SouthPAN) now have or will soon have access to high-integrity GNSS-enabled aviation procedures, largely implemented via Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems (SBASs).
In 2021 the UKSBAS testbed project (Phase 1) was launched to establish and demonstrate a new national capability utilising current in-orbit geostationary (GEO) satellite assets from Inmarsat / Viasat, a navigation signal generator, associated SBAS data processing led by GMV using GNSS Continuously Operating Receiver Stations (CORS) from Ordnance’s Survey station network, support monitoring infrastructures and Goonhilly Earth Station facilities for SiS uplink to the GEO navigation transponder. These activities have been carried out in the framework of ESA’s Navigation Innovation Support Programme (NAVISP) sponsored by the UK’s HMG with the participation of the Department for Transport and the UK Space Agency.
Within Phase 1, a legacy testbed service broadcasting SBAS correction messages for GPS L1 satellites on PRN 158 was successfully demonstrated. Following the success of this initial deployment of the testbed, a second phase was commissioned in order to extend the capabilities of the testbed to generate DFMC SBAS correction messages, and to perform a number of experimentation campaigns to demonstrate the performances that can be achieved in different user domains. The purpose of the demonstrations was to assess the user-level performance that can be achieved considering legacy L1, future Dual Frequency Multi Constellation (DFMC), and enhanced maritime integrity services for UKSBAS in order to validate the testbed performance and to identify current and future applications that may benefit from UKSBAS.
This paper presents user demonstrations and test campaigns that have been performed covering aviation and maritime domains, considering representative platforms and applicable requirements:
- Within the aviation domain, in which the use of SBAS for improved accuracy and integrity is standardised, test campaigns have been conducted using static receivers located at 4 airports in the North, South, East and West of the UK landmass to compare the performance of GPS L1 only, GPS L1 with UKSBAS L1 SBAS messages, GPS L1 with current EGNOS open service, GPS + Galileo DFMC (L1/L5/E1/E5a) and GPS + Galileo L1/L5/E1/E5a with UKSBAS DFMC SBAS messages. In addition, several flight tests on different aircraft have been performed to assess the UKSBAS performance that can be achieved and to demonstrate the potential to satisfy different types of operation.
- In the maritime domain, sea trials have been performed on a passenger ferry in the Southwest of the UK. GNSS and SBAS data recorded on the vessel has been analysed to assess the performance against maritime performance requirements, considering both the broadcast UKSBAS L1 legacy messages as well as UKSBAS DFMC SBAS and novel maritime integrity service messages specially tailored for maritime applications.
The results of the tests demonstrate the potential of a UKSBAS system to provide improved accuracy and integrity for users in the aviation and maritime domains, compared both to GNSS standalone and to current L1 SBAS legacy services, in order to support the use of GNSS in safety critical applications in the UK.
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