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Session A1: Augmentation Services, Integrity, and Authentication 1

Nav Data bits for Increasing Sensitivity and Robustness
Frank van Diggelen, Google; Tim Murphy, Boeing; and John Betz, The MITRE Corporation
Date/Time: Wednesday, Sep. 18, 9:20 a.m.

Modern GNSS signals (like L5) provide higher power than legacy signals, but that power is divided into pilot and data components. Tracking only the pilot components forgoes part of this enhanced signal power. Mass market receivers (e.g., phones, watches) are disadvantaged by small, inefficient receive antennas, so would greatly benefit from coherent tracking of pilot and data components, and this requires removing (“wiping”) the data. But the small, inefficient receive antennas produce signal levels too low to reliably estimate and wipe the data modulation. So, we have a conundrum: because of the weak signals, the receivers cannot observe the data symbols needed to boost the weak signals. Higher end receivers that are operating in challenging environments such as in the presence of RF interference, or with signal blockage (trees, etc.), would also benefit from the enhanced signal power and larger processing gain enabled by wiping the data modulation. This paper demonstrates the benefits of coherently combining measurements on pilot and data components, and describes a proposed method to provide the needed information over the internet.

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