Galileo Open Service Navigation Message Authentication (OSNMA) Benefits, Challenges, and Limitations
Ali Pirsiavash, Ali Broumandan, and Sandy Kennedy, Hexagon | NovAtel
Peer Reviewed
This research delves into the newly introduced Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) security feature within the Galileo E1-B Open Service Navigation Message Authentication (OSNMA) program. Following established guidelines for OSNMA data retrieval and implementation, extensive field data analysis and test results are presented and discussed to evaluate the availability and reliability of OSNMA across diverse scenarios, encompassing both authentic and spoofing/jamming situations. Through a meticulous analysis of these results, a comprehensive and comparative framework is constructed to explore the benefits, challenges, and limitations of OSNMA across a spectrum of environments and various applications. Despite highlighting limitations and concerns, the paper demonstrates that OSNMA offers an additional layer of protection, which, when combined with other security features and monitoring techniques, contributes to comprehensive protection measures.
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