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Session E2: LEO for Positioning, Navigation, and Timing

A New Paradigm of Commercial GNSS Services: The Case for LEO PNT at C-Band, Part 1
Paul Anderson, George Schmitt, Furqan Ahmed, Patrick Shannon, TrustPoint, Inc.
Date/Time: Wednesday, Sep. 18, 2:12 p.m.

TrustPoint is deploying a purpose-built, commercial Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) service using a proliferated Low Earth Orbit (LEO) constellation of microsatellites broadcasting next-generation navigation signals in C-band. TrustPoint’s commercial LEO PNT system and service will enable rapid Time-to-First-Fix, meter and sub-meter positioning accuracy, improved jamming resistance due to frequency diversity and increased signal strength, and an encrypted, spoof tolerant signal with built-in authentication. Our solution is made possible by (1) a constellation of low-cost LEO satellites that leverage commoditized microsatellite platforms and launch services; and (2) patented innovations in navigation signal generation and processing at the RF physical and data layers. In this paper, we summarize TrustPoint’s system and service architecture and the cost/benefit trades of C-band vs. L-band and LEO vs. MEO, inclusive of impacts to signal design, satellite size, weight, power, and cost (SWaP-C). RF link analysis and summary error budget are provided to supplement discussion on C-band signal availability, geometric diversity, and commercial service performance. Finally, the dual-use benefits of LEO PNT at C-band are highlighted to showcase the commercial value and military utility of TrustPoint’s approach.

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