Performance Assessment of Fault Free Recursive SBAS Users with High-Integrity Time Correlated Measurement Error Models
Elisa Gallon and Alejandro Rodriguez Veiga, Airbus Defence and Space
Date/Time: Wednesday, Sep. 18, 4:23 p.m.
Latest trends suggest that future generations of space-based augmentation systems (SBAS) are intended to adapt to a broader variety of users that will rely primarily on global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) as their navigation means. Unlike aviation users, these next generation SBAS users will operate under harsher environments and will potentially face radio frequency interferences (RFIs). They will therefore need to rely on additional sensors and filtering algorithms rather than snapshot ones, making them not compliant to the minimum operational performance standards (MOPS). To ensure integrity, recursive users must know and account for the time correlation of the errors impacting their measurements. Prior work in the field of high integrity modelling of time correlated errors has been done and applied to various GNSS errors for recursive advanced receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (ARAIM) users. Such work has also been applied to the case of SBAS users, and in particular the residual satellite orbit and clock errors, but the performance of such models in the position domain has yet to be evaluated. This paper builds up on the methodology proposed in Montloin et al., (2023) to derive residual orbit and clock error models for sequential users in the pseudo range domain, and then assesses the performance of such models in the position domain for various DFMC recursive user scenarios.
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