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Session A1: Augmentation Services, Integrity, and Authentication 1

Experimentation and Cost Benefit Analysis on Advanced RAIM for Rail, Maritime and UAS Sectors
Ginés Moreno, Javier de Toro, Javier Fidalgo, Carlos Sanz, Enrique Domínguez, Elena Labrador, Ana Cezón, Fulgencio Buendía, GMV; Florin Mistrapau, Roxana Clopot, GMV-RO; Merle Snijders, Heiko Engwerda, Juliette Casals, NLR; Axel Wion, Armando Luciano, Nino Bohéas, Lowie Vueghs, Paola Testa, EY; Sophie Damy, Matteo Sgammini, Juan Pablo Boyero, European Commission
Alternate Number 1

The Advanced Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (ARAIM) is an evolution of the Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) principle, which exploit the benefits of dual frequency, multi-constellation GNSS receivers. As shown in previous works, even if it was originally developed for aviation, a wide range of applications can in principle take advantage of ARAIM, especially safety critical ones. Furthermore, ARAIM architecture can be evolved to satisfy even more demanding requirements and to support applications operating in challenging environments. This paper focuses on proposed ARAIM evolutions for the maritime, rail and UAS sectors. It presents the results of the proof of concept and the Cost and Benefit Analysis (CBA) carried out in the frame of the ARAIMFUSE project. The results show that the proposed evolution for maritime and UASs applications is able to fulfill more applications than the ones covered by the original ARAIM concept. Benefits are also shown with the evolution proposed in the rail domain, and the critical role of Probability of Non-Line of Sight (PNLOS) for this sector is highlighted. The CBA shows that the integration of ARAIM in all three sectors can bring added value, particularly related to the enhancement of safety and operational efficiency.

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