ION Awards

The Institute of Navigation is a scientific, nonprofit organization, founded in 1945. Its programs are directed toward elevating standards of navigation by coordinating the knowledge and achievements of practicing navigators, scientists, and those involved in the development and production of navigation equipment. The Institute sponsors and administers several awards to recognize individuals making significant contributions, or demonstrating outstanding performance relating to navigation.

Annual Awards

The Institute sponsors several major annual awards. Nominations for annual awards may be submitted by anyone except the nominee. All nominations must be in conformance with ION nomination standards. Neither nominees nor nominators need be ION members. Nominations received in correct form by October 15 will be considered. Duplication of nominees in more than one award category is permitted, unless otherwise noted. To be considered in subsequent years, nominees not selected in the current year must be re-submitted. For further information, select an award below or see the ION Annual Award Policies and Procedures.

ION Annual Awards

2024 Award Recipients

ION Fellows 

The Council honors notable members of the Institute who have made outstanding sustained contributions to the art and science of Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) with Fellow awards. Fellow is the Institute’s highest honor. Individuals are nominated for selection as Fellow grade based on their important contributions to the advancement or application of the art and science of PNT. The intent is to select Fellows for sustained contributions through technology, management, practice and teaching, rather than specific accomplishments, for which other awards are more appropriate.
Fellow Details, Requirements and Nomination Form

Kepler Award

The ION Satellite Division sponsors the Johannes Kepler Award to honor an individual for sustained and significant contributions to the development of satellite navigation during their lifetime. 
Kepler Award Details, Requirements and Nomination Form

Parkinson Award

The ION Satellite Division sponsors the Bradford W. Parkinson Award, which honors the leadership of Dr. Parkinson in establishing both the U.S. Global Positioning System and the Satellite Division of the ION, recognizes an outstanding graduate student in the field of Positioning, Navigation and/or Timing (PNT). Professors and faculty are encouraged to submit nominations for deserving graduate students.
Parkinson Award Details, Requirements and Nomination Form

Student Awards

In addition to the major awards, the ION sponsors student awards for navigation excellence. Cash awards are available to outstanding students of navigation selected by the faculty of recognized academies. 
Student Awards Details, Requirements and Application Form