Burka Award: Dr. Daniele Borio
For his paper “Bicomplex Representation and
Processing of GNSS Signals” published in the Winter
2023 issue of NAVIGATION, Journal of the Institute of Navigation, Vol. 70, No. 4
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Hays Award: Chad E. Pinkelman
For enduring contributions to Global Positioning
System (GPS)-based programs, including significant
contributions to an open architecture for multi-sensor integration, delivering assured PNT capabilities
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Per Enge Early Achievement Award: Dr. Tyler Gerald René Reid
For outstanding innovations in the development of low Earth orbiting satellites for providing an enhanced global positioning service
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PTTI Distinguished Service Award: Francine Vannicola
For major contributions to GPS system time
synchronization and GPS atomic frequency standard
performance analysis; and for contributions to the
success of the annual PTTI meetings
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Superior Achievement Award: Captain Laura D. Norton
For leadership and professionalism while executing
two short notice casualty evacuations; and
developing international combat search and rescue
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Thurlow Award: Dr. Jiyun Lee
For significant contributions that guarantee the
safety of satellite-based navigation systems for
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Tycho Brahe Award: Dr. Luke Winternitz
For outstanding development of receivers and filtering algorithms that enable GNSS cislunar navigation and
pulsar-based deep-space navigation
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Weems Award: Paul C. Manz
For outstanding contributions and exceptional
technical leadership in the development and delivery
of “resilient and survivable PNT” for assured precision weapons and munitions
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