Presented to: Michael A. Lombardi
Citation: For system development and leadership in the successful delivery of the U.S. time and frequency standards signals to a variety of domestic and international PTTI users.
The Time Network and regional timescale of the Inter-American Metrology System (SIM) are comprised of time and frequency laboratories in North, Central, and South America. With Mr. Lombardi’s help, participation has grown to 26 member countries since the effort began in 2005. Mr. Lombardi also designed and developed the software for the SIM time and frequency comparison systems.
Mr. Lombardi was instrumental in the development of NIST remote time and frequency calibration services such as the Frequency Measurement and Analysis Service (FMAS) and the Time Measurement and Analysis System (TMAS) and the NIST Disciplined clock (NISTDC). These services meet the needs of the timing community for near real-time and high-accuracy distribution of UTC(NIST). The services are based on the GPS common-view technique and internet technology.
Mr. Michael A. Lombardi is currently the supervisor of the Time Realization and Distribution Group in the Time and Frequency Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the broadcast manager of NIST radio stations WWV, WWVB, and WWVH. He has published more than 100 papers related to frequency and time metrology and holds one patent. He previously served as managing editor for the NCSL International Measure: The Journal of Measurement Science and contributing editor for the NCSLI Metrologist Magazine. Mr. Lombardi has also served as chair of the SIM Time and Frequency Metrology Working Group, co-chair of the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) Timing Sub-Committee, and past chair of the ION’s PTTI conference.