2004 Hays Award

Presented to: Mr. Mitchell J. Narins

Citation: For his leadership and dedication in championing safe, secure, efficient, and effective navigation services that provide a robust position, navigation and timing infrastructure.


Mitchell J. Narins is the senior navigation systems engineer in the FAA's Navigation and Landing Product Team who, in addition to managing a number of navigation and landing programs, leads the FAA/USCG/Academic/Industry Team evaluating whether the Loran system can provide benefits to the aviation, maritime, and timing and frequency communities.

Mr. Narins has been most visible as a strong advocate in articulating a vision for a safe and redundant navigation infrastructure, not only for the FAA but also other modal agencies in the Department of Transportation. This is most evident in his leadership, dedication, and direction of the evaluation of Loran to mitigate the vulnerabilities of GPS. He established an evaluation team comprised of government agency, industry, and academic experts to determine whether a modernized Loran system could meet current aviation and maritime radionavigation, as well as time/frequency applications requirements. This would provide a viable, cost-effective alternative to GPS in the event of a GPS outage. The position, navigation, and time (PNT) applications evaluated include aviation navigation through non- precision approach (NPA) operations, maritime navigation through harbor entrance and approach (HEA) operations, and time and frequency distribution through the Stratum 1 level. In addition to guiding the $20+ million/year program, he initiated technical discussions that have lead to achievements such as the creation of an advanced Loran communication method and the use of Loran in terrestrial and urban applications. In 2004, his efforts led to on-time completion of the Loran technical evaluation report. The report was provided to the DOT for use in their decision on the mix of federally provided radionavigation systems.

Mr. Narins has been a vigilant advocate for the federal government's effort relating to safe, secure, efficient and effective PNT services. This is apparent in his numerous outreach efforts to governmental, industrial, and policy groups.

Mr. Narins holds a BSEE from the City College of New York, and a MSEE from the George Washington University, and is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional.